Story Grid Showrunners

015 The Umbrella Academy - Did the story work?

Episode Summary

Let's find out if the global story of the TV Series of Season 1 of The Umbrella Academy works?

Episode Notes

We've analysed The Umbrella Academy TV Series of Season 1. In this episode we talk about the global story and if it satisfied our expectations or not. And if not, let's find out why.

We talk about genre, moments we expect, the point of view, wants and needs of the characters as well as wrap up the Season by using the 5 commandments for Beginning Hook, Middle Build and Ending Payoff.

In our shownotes on and, you'll find bonus material: PDF for the foolscap, the Story Grid's 6 Core Questions as well as two interpretations of the Heroic Journey's Stages.


Tune in next time when we talk about our expectations for the Witcher TV series.