Story Grid Showrunners

E10: The Middle Build of Killing Eve

Episode Summary

The 5 core scenes of the Middle Build. What are they? How are they selected? Do they turn on the global Value. Find out, as our three editors break down the Middle Build of Killing Eve.

Episode Notes

As a review, if you follow the Story Grid Method, most stories are made up of the following elements:

Stated more simply: the 5 Commandments of the Middle build are the 5 Core Scenes of Act 2 which are the Inciting Incident, the Turning Point, the Crisis, the Climax, and the Resolution that turn on the Global Value.  
The Middle Build of Killing Eve occurs between episodes 3 through 7 and the Genre is Thriller, so the Global Value is Life and Death.  Therefore, all 5 Core Scenes of the Middle Build should turn on Life and Death.  

It is important to note that if the 15 Core Scenes of your story do not turn on your Global Value, then you may not be writing a story in your chosen genre or you might have to tweak some scenes to make the Core Scenes turn on the Global Value.  Something to consider when editing and writing stories.

Inciting Incident


The Inciting Incident if when Bill is killed, Eve realizes for the first time that her job is dangerous and that she could die and that her decisions have consequences.  So, obviously, this scene does turn on the Global Value of life and death that we expect from a Thriller.

For Eve’s Worldview shift, this is the part of the series when Eve realizes that her actions have consequences: she goes from ignorance to wisdom, the hard way.


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